Monday, March 3, 2014

Half a decade later

Decade. 10 years. Not there yet, but it's been half of one. Whenever you can use a block of time that has a word for it, that makes it longer. Incidentally, that word has the same base of the word "decimate", which it's become en vogue lately to point out that decimate originally means to reduce by a 10th, as opposed to our modern usage of it. English majors seem to despise that English is a living language and changes over time. Anyway, it's been close to 5 years since I've posted.  Blogging was all rage then, still.  It's a useful tool now, and for various reasons I think that it has a lot to offer anyone who does it.

So, I once again am trying to blog, mostly because I think writing is a good thing to do, and I'd like to develop my own voice and style. So I will try to largely focus on my adventures in working in IT, a job that I've moved into by choice, away from being a professional programmer. I'm big on analogies, and my analogy for this one is that I'd rather be a mechanic working on the car, then the engineer designing it.

Of course, talking about IT to some extent feels a little thin, when given context in the world. Right now Ukraine appears to be on the verge of a war with Russia, as Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to be attempting to invade under the claim of protecting Russian citizens. We can only hope that this won't lead to a war of some sort, although right now that seems like a pretty high probability outcome. We all hope that's not what happens though.

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