Saturday, March 29, 2008

murder/mystery party

i'm at a murder/mystery party. I'm not participating, but I may try to figure it out, tho I have already missed a bunch of the bios

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

You twit!

I've joined Twitter! Strangely appealing. Sounds really not that useful when you read about it, but has some odd appeal when actually using it. It might be that they've hidden images of the hypno-toad on the website. I'm not sure.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

danny just stares at the boobs

he said he has a bad habbit of just staring at the boobs. I for one will be hiding the junk.

Friday, March 14, 2008


for many years no i have tried my thumb at gardening. mostly the results have been mixed but this year i think is the good one. I really felt last year I fianlly had gotten a handle on the basics.

Also last year, I told myself I would buy plants at the nursery instead of doing seeds, but I decided to give seeds another try. Mostly because I felt I have all the pieces to go from seed well, butI think I may stil augment with nursery plants.

The picture is my rigged up with whatever is handy setup. Two trays underneath have seeds for various veggies, the one above is marigolds. I am always pleased that the seed packets say 7 to 14 days germination, but I usualy get some in just a few days. I use a heating pad for warmth.
Not shown is where I am using the radiated heat of a electric water heater thing to start some other seeds. I think I will add a humdifier to the closet when the seedlings are too large for the tray covers.

Lilia sucking down soup

lilia eating parmesian spinich soup
This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


i just wanted to see how wel or poorly my camera handled taking a pic of my projector screen

Singularity - FAIL

Well before I went gaming, I thought I'd do one more I mentioned in post one, getting flickr and blogging together was an item high on the list. So I figured I'd do that real quick. Flickr and blogger both have instructions on how to do this. However, when I try, it fails. The fault seems to be with blogger at the moment. So I will have to mess with it again some other time.

Poop to that I say. POOP!

2nd post

post from the phone, maybe this will get where it is supposed to.

I am also in seeing how long of a rambling post I can do. As i have a phone with a full keyboard writing a large post is slow, but not insurmountable. Of course, without spell check handy, spelling will probably go right out the window.

I think I have done as much as I can for now, so itBs time for some Xbox 360 befoe bed. Which wil be way later then it should be, if my past behavior is any indicator.

Blog Implosion - So Dense Even Blogging Cannot Escape

Yeah yeah late to the party of blogging. By about 4-5 years. I arrived at this number by noticing that every single name I tried, and nearly all the phrases, were already taken. 99.9999% of them had exactly 1 post, usually something witty, like "Test". First, last, and only post. Saddest part: that's usually what was on all of the cool named blogs.

So thus I begin with my single post, somewhat more then test, with the complete possibility that this blog will implode on itself like so many others. So why now? Simple...while singularity can refer to a concept in physics which is more commonly referred to as a black hole, it can also refer to an event where by there is a convergence of technology, society, and various other factors which results in an elevation of existence.

I am not going for anything that ambitious, but I do remember that the travel blog of several years ago I worked on was moderately successful as an expiriment in convergent technology.

And, as I have more travel planned, and improved photographic technique(I hope), and recently opened a full flickr account, I hope is to have a personal singularity whereby I can document things that are of interest to me.

So really this is an easy way for me to journal and scrap book my life. I'm not writing to an audience I don't have. I am writing to myself. So hopefully this will work better then it did from NZ. And hopefully geotagging has improved in the last year and a half.