Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Another year, another phone. 2 years actually. T-Mobile seems to have transitioned to mainly 2 year contracts to subsidize their phones. I've moved up to the G1, the first Google phone. It's written to death on the net, I don't have any insights to share. No, that's not quite right, I do have an insight. InvisibleSHIELD, while a nice product, is a bitch to put on. And if it's not on just right, you get these little tiny pockets around the edges that collect schmutz, and start peeling back. It's annoying. An expensive first try. I can't decide if I should try and bitch at InvisibleSHIELD to replace it for me or not. On the one hand, I probably didn't quite get it right. On the other hand, their are NO FREAKING DIRECTIONS. Sure, there's a video on the website...it tells you how to put the nice flat rectangle on the nice flat surface. There's not really any hints on how to put the bizarre shaped cut on to the curved corner surfaces though. You are all on your own there. Which means you'll probably so something wrong the first time. I've got myself riled up, I'll email them.

Anyway, this is the intro post, I'm going to see if blogging from my phone is any better. Blogging has returned I think mostly to what it was before, a modern day version of a diary. I think it'll suit me well for now. There's still the access problem. I put information and things I want to remember here, but if it's not at my finger tips, not well indexed and searchable, it's not that helpful. We still need something else.

The Jester asked me the other day that if brain augmentation through technology were possible, would I do it, and of course I would, no hesitation.

Ok, world of G1(with the badly applied InivisbleSHIELD) here I come. I hope.

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